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邵荣光,1957年生,籍贯浙江,微生物与生化药学家,医药生物技术研究所研究员,博士生导师。1982年获浙江医科大学药学专业学士学位。1988年在中国协和医科大学微生物药学专业攻读硕士学位。1991年在中国协和医科大学微生物药学专业攻读博士学位,从事抗体药物研究。1994年进入美国国立卫生研究院国立癌症研究所进行博士后研究工作,主要从事肿瘤分子药理学研究。 1999年回国晋升为研究员。






1. Wang J#, Chen M#, Liu X, Zhang C, Zhao W, Wang M, Cai M, Qiu Y, Zhang T, Zhou H, Zhao W*, Si S*, Shao R*. Novel ER stress inducer Sec C triggers apoptosis by sulfating cysteines in ER and degrading YAP in GEM-R pancreatic cells. Acta Pharmaceut Sin B 2022;12(1): 210-227. (IF= 14.911)

2. Zhao W#, Wang M, Cai M, Zhang C, Qiu Y, Wang X, Zhang T, Zhou H, Wang J, Zhao W*, Shao R*. Transcriptional co-activators YAP/ TAZ: potential therapeutic targets for metastatic breast cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2021;133:110956. (IF= 7.419)

3. Ge MX#, Liu HT, Zhang N, Niu WX, Lu ZN, Bao YY, Huang R, Yu DK*, Shao RG*, He HW*. Costunolide repressed hepatic fibrosis through WWP2-mediated Notch3 degradation. Br J Pharmacol. 2020; 177(2):372-387. (IF= 8.739)

4. Cao R#, Song W, Ye C, Liu X, Li L, Li Y, Yao H, Zhou X, Li L*, Shao R*. Internal enhancement of DNA damage by a novel bispecific antibody-drug conjugate-like therapeutics via blockage of mTOR and PD-L1 signal pathways in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Med. 2019;8(2): 643-655. (IF= 3.491)

5. Zhao W#, Liu H, Wang J, Wang M, Shao R*. Cyclizing-berberine A35 induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis by activating YAP phosphorylation (Ser127). J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018;37(1):98. (IF= 5.646)

6. Liu H#, Ma Y, He H-W, Zhao W-L, Shao R-G*. SPHK1 (sphingosine kinase 1) induces epithelial- mesenchymal transition by promoting the autophagy-linked lysosomal degradation of E-cadherin in hepatoma cells. Autophagy 2017;13(5):900-913. (IF= 11.100)

7. Liu H#, Zhao W-l, Wang J-p, Xin B-m, Shao R-g*. EBP50 suppresses cell proliferation by promoting Beclin-1/p62-mediated lysosomal degradation of c-Myc in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2018;39(8):1347-1358. (IF= 4.010)

8. Ge M#, Liu H, Zhang Y, Li N, Zhao S, Zhao W, Zhen Y, Yu J, He H*, Shao RG*. The anti-fibrotic effects of dihydrotanshinone I are mediated by disrupting the YAP and TEAD2 complex and stimulating autophagy. Br J Pharmacol. 2017;174 :1147-60. (IF= 6.810)

9. Liu H#, Ma Y, He HW, Wang JP, Jiang JD, Shao RG*. SLC9A3R1 stimulates autophagy via BECN1 stabilization in breast cancer cells. Autophagy 2015;11(12):2323-34. (IF= 9.108)

10. Chen Y#, Yu D, Zhang H, He H, Zhang C, Zhao W, Shao R-g*. CD133+EpCAM+ phenotype possesses more characteristics of tumor initiating cells in hepatocellular carcinoma Huh7 cells. Int J Biol Sci 2012;8(7):992-1004. (IF=4.152, C100)