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李贵登,1981年生,籍贯福建,免疫学家,中国医学科学院系统医学研究院研究员,博士生导师。2001年考入厦门大学生物科学专业,2005年获得学士学位。2005年在厦门大学细胞生物学专业攻读硕士学位。2008年在加州大学尔湾分校生物医学专业攻读博士学位,研究B细胞抗体生成的调控机制研究。2012年在加州理工学院诺贝尔奖获得者David Baltimore的实验室进行博士后研究工作,主要从事T细胞肿瘤免疫的转化医学研究。2019年加入中国医学科学院系统医学研究院,任职研究员。






1. Su. Y#, Ko. ME, Cheng. H, Zhu. R, Xue. M, Wang. J, Lee. JW, Frankiw. L, Xu. A, Wong. S, Robert. L, Takata. K, Yuan. D, Lu. Y, Huang. S, Ribas. A, Levine. R, Nolan. GP, Wei. W, Plevritis. SK, Li.G*, Baltimore. D*, Heath. JR*. Multi-omic single-cell snapshots reveal multiple independent trajectories to drug tolerance in a melanoma cell line. Nature Communications 2020, 11(1):2345. (IF=12.121)

2. Li. G*, Bethune. MT*, Wong. S, Joglekar. AV, Leonard. MT, Wang. JK, Kim. JT, Cheng. D, Peng. S, Zaresky. JM, Su. Y, Luo. Y, Heath. JR, Ribas. A, Witte. ON and Baltimore. D*. T cell antigen discovery via trogocytosis. Nature Methods 2019, 16(2):183-190. (IF=28.467)

3. Segaliny. AI#, Li. G#, Kong. L, Ren. C, Chen. X. Wang. JK, Baltimore. B, Wu. G* and Zhao. W*. Functional TCR T cell screening using single-cell droplet microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 2018, 18(24):3733-3749. (IF=5.995)

4. Li. G*, So. AY, Sookram. R, Wong. S, Wang. JK, Ouyang. Y, He. P, Su. Y, Casellas. R and Baltimore. D*. Epigenetic silencing of miR-125b is required for normal B cell development. Blood 2018, 131(17):1920-1930. (IF=15.132)

5. Li. G#, White. CA, Lam. T, Pone. EJ, Tran. DC, Hayama. KL, Zan. H, Xu. Z# and Casali. P*. Combinatorial H3K9acS10ph histone modification in IgH locus S regions targets 14-3-3 adaptors and AID to specify antibody class switch. Cell Reports 2013, 5(3):702-714. (IF=7.207)

6. Li. G#, Pone. EJ, Tran. DC, Patel. PJ, Dao. L, Xu. Z* and Casali. P*. Iron inhibits AID-mediated deoxycytidine deamination and modulates class switch DNA recombination. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287(25):21520-21529. (IF=4.651)

7. Qiu. X#, Li. G#, Wu. G#, Zhu. J, Zhou. L, Chen. P, Chamberlin. AR and Lee. WH*. Synthesis, and biological evaluation of a series of novel inhibitor of Nek2/Hec1 analogues. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2009, 52(6):1757-1767. (IF=4.802)