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1. Ma, Y. #, Guo, Z. #, Xia, B. #, Zhang, Y. #, Liu, X., Yu, Y., Tang, N., Tong, X., Wang, M., Ye, X., Feng, J., Chen, Y. *, and Wang, J. * (2022) Identification of antimicrobial peptides from the human gut microbiome using deep learning. Nature Biotechnology 40: 921-931. (IF=68.164)

2. Chen, M. #, Guo, Z. #, Sun, J. #, Tang, W., Wang, M., Tang, Y., Li, P., Wu, B. *, and Chen, Y.* (2022) Insights into the biosynthesis of septacidin l-heptosamine moiety unveils a VOC family sugar epimerase. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. (IF=14.903, In Press) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2022.05.031

3. Chen, M. #, Cao, Z. #, Tang, W., Wang, M., Chen, Y. *, and Guo, Z. * (2022) Discovery of novel septacidin congeners from a high yield heterologous expression strain Streptomyces albus 1597. The Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 75:172-175. (IF=3.424)

4. Li, C., Bao, W., Zhang, H., Lyu, Z., Chen, Y., and Guo, Z. * (2021) Discovery of brominated alboflavusins with anti-MRSA activities. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:641025-641033. (IF=6.064)

5. Guo, Z., Tang, Y., Tang, W., and Chen, Y. * (2021) Heptose-containing bacterial natural products: structures, bioactivities, and biosyntheses. Natural Products Reports 38:1887-1909. (IF=15.111)

6. Tang, W., Li, P., Chen, M., Guo, Z.*, and Chen, Y.* (2020) Characterization of SepE and SepF for the N(6)-glycosylated adenine structure formation in Septacidin biosynthesis. Organic Letters 22: 5251-5254. (IF=6.072)

7. Guo, Z.#, Li, P. #, Chen, G. #, Li, C., Cao, Z., Zhang, Y., Ren, J., Xiang, H., Lin, S., Ju, J., and Chen, Y.* (2018) Design and biosynthesis of dimeric alboflavusins with biaryl linkages via regiospecific C-C bond coupling. Journal of American Chemistry Society 140: 18009-18015.( IF=16.383)

8. Tang, W.#, Guo, Z.#, Cao, Z., Wang, M., Li, P., Meng, X., Zhao, X., Xie, Z., Wang, W., Zhou, A., Lou, C., and Chen, Y.* (2018) d-Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate is a common precursor for the heptoses of septacidin and hygromycin B. P Natl Acad Sci USA 115: 2818-2823. (IF=12.779)

9. Guo, Z. #, Li, J. #, Qin, H. #, Wang, M., Lv, X., Li, X., and Chen, Y. * (2015) Biosynthesis of the carbamoylated D-gulosamine moiety of streptothricins: involvement of a guanidino-N-glycosyltransferase and an N-acetyl-D-gulosamine deacetylase. Angewandt Chemistry International Edition 54: 5175-5178. (IF=16.823)