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刘明洋,1985年生,籍贯辽宁辽阳。中国医学科学院肿瘤医院研究员,分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室课题组长,博士生导师。2004年考入大连医科大学临床医学专业,2009年获得学士学位。2009年考入北京协和医院病理学与病理专业,2014年获得博士学位,期间从事胰腺癌等消化道肿瘤病理形态学及机制研究。2014年进入美国俄克拉荷马大学医学院进行博士后研究工作,主要研究胰腺癌发生、侵袭转移及化疗耐药机制。 2022年加入中国医学科学院肿瘤医院,为研究员。






1. Liu M#*. Arid1a: A Gatekeeper in the Development of Pancreatic Cancer from a Rare Precursor Lesion. Gastroenterology. 2022 Aug;163(2):371-373. (IF=33.880)

2. Zhou Z#, Ren Y#, Yang J#, Liu M#, Shi X#, Luo W, Fung K. Xu C, Bronze M, Zhang Y*, Houchen CW*, Li M*. Acetyl-coA Synthetase 2 potentiates macropinocytosis and muscle wasting through metabolic reprogramming in pancreatic cancer. Gastroenterology. 2022 June 28, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2022.06.058. (IF=33.880)

3. Shi X#, Yang J#, Liu M#, Zhang Y#, Zhou Z#, Luo W, Fung K, Xu C, Bronze M, Houchen CW, Li M*. Circular RNA ANAPC7 Inhibits Tumor Growth and Muscle Wasting via PHLPP2-AKT-TGF-β Signaling Axis in Pancreatic Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2022 Jun;162(7):2004-2017. (IF=33.880)

4. Liu M#, Zhang Y#, Yang J#, Zhan H#, Zhou Z, Jiang Y, Shi X, Luo W, Fung K, Xu C, Bronze M, Houchen CW, Li M. Zinc Dependent Regulation of ZEB1 and YAP1 Co-activation Promotes EMT Plasticity and Metastasis in Pancreatic Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2021 Apr;160(5):1771-1783. (IF=22.682)

5. Liu M#, Zhang Y#, Yang J#, Cui X, Zhou Z, Zhan H, Ding K, Tian X, Yang Z, Fung K, Edil B, Postier R, Bronze M, Fernandez-Zapico M, Stemmler M, Brabletz T, Li Y, Li M*. ZIP4 Increases Expression of Transcription Factor ZEB1 to Promote Integrin α3β1 Signaling and Inhibit Expression of the Gemcitabine Transporter ENT1 in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Gastroenterology. 2020 Feb;158(3):679-692. (IF=19.233)

6. Liu Y#, Meng #F, Wang J#, Liu M#, Yang G#, Song R, Zheng T, Li M*, Liu L*. A Novel Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like Mediated miR-214/TWIST1 Negative Feedback Loop Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Metastasis. Clinical Cancer Research. 2019 Sep 1;25(17):5407-5421. (IF=10.199)

7. Zhou Z#, Xia G#, Xiang Z#, Liu M#, Wei Z, Yan J, Chen W, Zhu J, Awasthi N, Sun X, Fung K, He Y*, Li M*, Zhang C*. A C-X-C chemokine receptor type 2-dominated crosstalk between tumor cells and macrophages drives gastric cancer metastasis. Clinical Cancer Research. 2019 Jun 1;25(11):3317-3328. (IF=10.199)

8. Liang C#, Shi S#, Liu M#, Qin Y#, Meng Q, Hua J, Xu J, Ni Q, Li M* and Yu X*. PIN1 Maintains Redox Balance via the C-Myc/NRF2 Axis to Counteract Kras-Induced Mitochondrial Respiratory Injury in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Cancer Research. 2019 Jan 1;79(1):133-145. (IF=9.13)

9. Liu M#, Yang J, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Zheng L, Fernandez-Zapico M, Postier R, Houchen C, Yang J, Li M*. ZIP4 Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Progression by Repressing ZO-1 and claudin-1 through a ZEB1-Dependent Transcriptional Mechanism. Clinical Cancer Research. 2018 Jul 1;24(13):3186-3196. (IF=10.19)